About CEO Journal Magazine

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Created to meet the specific needs of the top executives at major corporations worldwide, CEO Journal is read by a growing requested circulation. The publication boasts incisive commentary and analysis from the world's most powerful business leaders alongside investigative and provocative articles from leading journalists.

CEO Journal allows you to reach the most influential decision-makers. Your message will feature in a section that focuses specifically on your service area, identifying you clearly as a leading solution provider.

This service is supported online by the-chiefexecutive.com, which is used as a daily reference point for current opinion and the latest developments. These platforms ensure coverage through all available media. We strive to promote your products and services to those who need them most. Through our assortment of media channels we not only make sure that you gain the breadth and depth of exposure you require, but also that you can pinpoint directly your future partners at the right time.

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