Future processing: Smart cities: the path to a better future - Jaroslaw Czaja

In an era of rapid development, Future Processing CEO Jaroslaw Czaja explains why smart cities are springing up everywhere, providing solutions and introducing innovations to our everyday lives.

Smart cities are places where technology is implemented to offer a better and smarter habitat, not only for individuals, but also for the environment. Thanks to the collection and analysis of unimaginable amounts of data, smart cities improve not only where we live, but also the way we live.

Why turn a city into a smart one?

Turning a city into a smart one helps it to evolve, providing much-needed growth in areas where old infrastructures are no longer able to cope with the demands of modern living. Smart-city technologies can improve quality of life for the citizens of a city and the environments they live in, making a huge impact on day-to-day life.

The implementation of the internet of things (IoT) is slowly starting to initiate change, and smart solutions already on the market are paving the way in gaining the trust of residents. Although it isn't cheap to turn a city into a smart city, doing so brings innumerable benefits for the future in terms of the enormous long-term cumulated savings. Furthermore, smart cities can generate even more revenue as they become attractive tourism targets, positively affecting the economy at large. One of the primary drivers behind most smart-city technologies is making them as efficient as possible, so they optimise almost every cost. It's an attractive prospect as the economies of our biggest cities continue to grow.

Safety first

The various sensors in a smart city (and their connection via the IoT) gather data that can be analysed to make a real difference in key areas like water wastage and pollution. Similarly, sensory devices can predict disasters like floods and earthquakes hours before they happen. Cities therefore become more efficient and secure.

Pedestrian crossings working according to the traffic level, monitoring of problematic situations on the roads, or gathering data on how and where accidents happen are just a few examples of the ways in which our cities are becoming more secure places to live.

A smarter future starts now

Over the next 12 to 18 months, with the number of interconnected devices predicted to grow dramatically, solutions will become more complex and may even move more towards sensor-based technologies.

Within five years, the advent of smart cities will likely see migration increase. Dubai, for example, is set to gain 2.5 million new citizens following its smart-city initiatives. This means a better economy and a more diverse population, and one could see the same thing happening for big cities.

Empowering places, empowering people

Microsoft's CityNext initiative fits perfectly with this trend, empowering municipal authorities in optimising the management of the city to become a more efficient, safer, healthier, more educated, and more sustainable place to live and work. To further develop this initiative, Microsoft has signed a strategic partnership with Future Processing, which will see its IT solutions featured in Microsoft's portfolio of smart-city solutions.

Thinking long term about which solutions will be beneficial now and in the years to come not only helps manage finances, but also gives people time to adjust to the new developments. As the increase in urbanisation results in new challenges, Future Processing hopes that working with Microsoft will empower it to help cities address what's next in shaping their future.

Future Processing CEO Jarosław Czaja.
Smart cities will be optimised using the internet of things.